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HIV has become an epidemic worldwide. 70 percent of deaths in European countries occur
due to HIV.  When HIVenter the circulatory system, it results in the collapse of immune system 
due to the decrease in the immune cells including T-lymphocytes, CD4+ cells. Due to this the body 
becomes more vulnerable to opportunistic infections. Primary signs and symptoms are known 
as seroconversion illness in which there is presence of persistent fever, body ache, rashes, sore 
throat, swollen gums and lymph nodes and night sweats. 

Not all symptoms may be present; combination of few could be there. These symptoms at this
 primary stage of HIV are mostly mistaken for flu or other viral infections. Patients in second stage
 of HIV develop candidiasis, herpes, lymphadenopathy, peripheral neuropathy. In the third stage, 
patient develops life threatening infections like tuberculosis, recurrent bacterial pneumonia, and
 other opportunistic infections. 

Weight loss is the major indication at this stage. Viral load continues to increase at this stage and 
immune cells persistently decrease in number. HIV can affect anyone irrespective of gender, age, 
religion, region, profession or nationality. 

So if one is HIV positive, consult an HIV specialist to get proper treatment, regular follow-ups, 

and best treatment outcomes. Dr.Vinod Raina is a well-known face as Best HIV doctor in Delhi
He is one of the best doctors in Delhi, NCR, and India. He is working for the welfare of such 
people from past 18 years and his dedication towards work and success rate of treatment has 
saved thousands of people from fatal effects of HIV. Dr. Vinod Raina’s SAFE HANDS is a 
polyclinic where the whole team works for the benefits and welfare of HIV patients, to make
 the feel better and as normal as others. He is well known among all HIV Specialist Doctors in 
Delhi, NCR, and meet to personaly, you have to give a ring by diling our number +91-9136363692

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  • Best HIV speclist in Delhi NCR
  • Now take HIV treatment in Delhi


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