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HIV Symptoms After 3 Months

HIV Symptoms After 3 Months


Within a month or two after getting infected with HIV, many people (but not all) can develop flu like symptoms (SEROCONVERSION ILLNESS) like skin rashes, cold, continuous fever, swollen gums, night sweating, and severe headache. These symptoms usually go within a week and are mistaken for flu or other common infections. A person can look and feel healthy for years before the symptoms come back. This period when an infected person looks and feels well can last for 5-7 years and may be more in case of adults. In the meantime, as the HIV keeps attacking the immune system, more and more symptoms can be noticed and illness starts to show again.

It takes from few months to years to feel sick and have symptoms of HIV. So, the sooner one is tested, the better.

Later signs of Aids
When a person is already affected by AIDS, such persons can also develop other problems like tuberculosis, bad cough, pneumonia, continuous headache, body ache, weakness, diarrhea, seizures, loss of memory, abnormal weight loss, loss of concentration, lymph node and throat swelling thus difficulty in swallowing.


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