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एचआईवी/एड्स बीमारी का इलाज संभव है,

 एचआईवी/एड्स बीमारी का इलाज संभव है? सिर्फ एक गोली खाने से ठीक हो जाएगा AIDS , जानिए कैसे ? Best hiv doctor  एचआईवी/एड्स एक जानलेवा बिमारी है, जो कि इंसान को पहले कामजोर बनाती है फिर उसके मृत्यु का कारण बनती  है,   जिन्हे एचआईवी/एड्स होता है, लोग उन्हें हीन भावना से देखते है| पहले एचआईवी/एड्स बीमारी का इलाज संभव नहीं था, लेकिन अब ऐसा नहीं है| डॉक्टरों और वैज्ञानिकों ने एक के बाद एक कई इलाज ढूंढ़ निकाले है| डॉक्टरों और वैज्ञानिकों ने एक ऐसा कैप्सूल बनाया है,जिसे हफ्ते में एक बार खाने से एचआईवी/एड्स का इलाज हो सकेगा। इस दवा के खाने के पर किसी और दवा को खाने की जरूरत नहीं पड़ेगी। BEST HIV DOCTOR IN DELHI ऐसे होगा असर,कैसे काम करती  है अनुसंधानकर्ताओं ने बताया कि कैप्सूल केवल एचआईवी/एड्स के इलाज के लिए ही नहीं है,  बल्कि उन लोगों को भी संक्रमण से बचाएगी, जिन्हें एचआईवी/एड्स से संक्रमित होने का खतरा अधिक है। यदि आप एचआईवी/एड्स का इलाज या उससे जुडी कोई भी जानकारी चाहते है तो आप डॉक्टर विनोद रैना से मिल सकते...

hiv test cost

                                    HIV TEST COST HIV (Human immunological disorder Virus) is one among the foremost dangerous blood borne pathogens that area unit transmitted via infected blood, semen, breast milk or canal secretions. the danger of HIV infection from associate degree injury from needle stick, open cut, splash of blood or body fluids into secretion membranes is a smaller amount. Body fluids like tears, urine, spittle and sweat don't transmit this virus, unless there's visible contamination of blood. If you're a health care employee, you will have the danger of exposure to HIV. However, you'll be able to shield yourself from the danger by following some tips. Note: Dr Vinod Riana is Best hiv Doctor in Delhi                            Tips for Health Care employees 1. Universal Precautions Your r...

viral load test for hiv

VIRAL LOAD FOR HIV TEST There are lots of different motives behind a dimension analysis seeing HIV viral load. To begin with, the dimensions are utilized to find out the severity of the virus and it's also utilized to identify changes that may occur in the progression of this disease as a whole. Note: Best hiv doctor in delhi Up to now, there are three unique tests that operate to provide measurements concerning the viral load of their human body. These evaluations concentrate in identifying the genetic substance that's frequently related to HIV. The first kind of evaluation is recognized as the"Branched DNA". If an individual tests positive for HIV, they are generally informed of this viral load that is within their own blood. A positive test always causes a special test that measures the viral load. This measurement informs the physician that is working with the individual just how polluted the bloodstream is using the Human Immunodeficiency Viru...

Nightfall is Good or Bad ?

Nightfall is Good or Bad ? Shilajit is a great herb for promoting healthy sexual performance and functions as successful remedy for excess nightfall because of over masturbation or because of some other ailment or disease within the body.   BEST HIV DOCTOR IN DELHI It may settle hormonal production in healthful limits to heal the issue and strengthen and facilitate smooth operation of reproductive tissues. Withania somnifera can be an all round treatment for excess nightfall and for sound general wellbeing. This herb is effective at strengthening muscles, nerves and promotes healthy blood circulation throughout the body and improve virility. Nightfall or wet fantasies are common in females and males but excessive incidence of them because of more than masturbation requires treatment to prevent additional complications and flaws. This scenario is much more prevalent in young individuals and settles down with adulthood. Individuals involved in over orgasm may confront s...

Best hiv treatment hospital in india

Hiv test in government hospital India HIV virus damages the immune system and its ability to fight against many diseases. This causes AIDS. According to specialists, HIV takes a long time to completely weaken a individual and there's absolutely no treatment to the AIDS. However, a suitable medicine from an HIV specialist doctor in Delhi can help slow down the overall development of the disease. With the Support of the best physician, you can get the best medicine that will help you to enjoy a normal life for a long time If you see any signs of HIV, it's wise to contact the HIV adviser Delhi. Just the specialist can clear about the real causes of the disease and how to steer clear of it even if you're infected. Although there's a long list of HIV treatment centers in Delhi, you want to get the best one located near your dwelling. Here doctors are experts and provide an effective remedy for the HIV that has benefitted many patients up to now. Are you looking for...

How to do hiv test at home ?

Dr Vinod Raina ( best hiv doctor in delhi ) How to do hiv test at home ? HIV postal test: with this kind of evaluation you take a sample (of saliva or blood ) and ship it to a lab. Your outcome is subsequently provided by text message or telephone call from a health care worker. HIV self-testing: This really is when you take a sample yourself and also receive a direct outcome. You don't send any sample to a laboratory: rather, you browse the result yourself by the testing kit. In the morning after getting infected with HIV, it's not uncommon for people to be without symptoms. Some people may have moderate flu-like symptoms, such as: 1. Stress 2. headache 3. Deficiency of energy Frequently, these symptoms disappear in a few weeks. Sometimes, it might take as many as 10 years to get more acute symptoms to arise. In a individual who has HIV, the skin can become very sensitive to irritants and sunlight. A rash may appear as a flat red patch with little lumps, and ski...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 Dr vinod raina is best hiv doctor in delhi   Back in 1984, 3 years following the initial reports of an illness which was to become known as AIDS, researchers found the principal causative viral agent, the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). In 1986, another kind of HIV, known as HIV-2, was isolated from AIDS patients in West Africa, in which it might have been current decades before. Studies of the natural history of HIV-2 are restricted, but thus far comparisons with HIV-1 reveal some similarities while indicating differences. The two HIV-1 and HIV-2 have the very same modes of transmission and also therefore are connected with comparable opportunistic diseases and AIDS. In men infected with HIV-2, immunodeficiency appears to grow more gradually and to be milder. In comparison with men infected with HIV-1, people that have HIV-2 are less infectious early in the course of disease. As the disease progresses, HIV-2 infectiousness app...

मेरी HIV कहानी

मेरी HIV कहानी  मेरा नाम संतोष है | मैं एक मल्टीनेशनल कंपनी मैं जॉब करता हु | मेरी उम्र 26 है | मैं दिल्ली मे रहता था | मेरी लाइफ मे  एक नार्मल इंसान की तरह बीता रहा था | मुझे किसी चीज की कमी नहीं थी जैसा मन करता जीता, मेरी  फॅमिली  गोरखपुर मे रहती थी , जॉब दिल्ली मे लगनी की वजह से मुझे यहाँ  रेंट पर रहना पड़ता था | दिल्ली मे रहते हुए मेरे बहुत फ्रेंड्स बने | जिनके साथ मे खाना पीना , पार्टी  मे जाना , घूमना फिरना सब किया  करता था | मेरी लाइफ मे मेने आज तक कोई लड़की को गर्लफ्रेंड नहीं बनाया  था  | मेरी सभी फ्रेंड्स की गिरफ्रेंड्स थी | जब उनको उनकी गिर्ल्फ्रेंड्स के साथ देखा करता था , तो मेरा मन भी करता की मेरी भी कोई गर्लफ्रेंड हो | अब तक मेरी लाइफ बहुत अच्छी चल रही थी | मैं आपको बता दू की  मैं रेंट पर अकेला रहता था | जिस कंपनी मे, मैं जॉब करता था, वहां एक सुपरिहया नाम की लड़की  जॉब करती थी | वो भी दिल्ली मैं रेंट पर रहा करती थी | हम दोनों एक दिन कैंटीन मैं बैठा कर लंच कर रहे थे थे अचानक उसने मुझसे एक साथ रहकर रेंट बचाने की बात क...

are you suffering from Sexless marriage ?

 What to do If You have a Sexless Marriage? No one couple wants to admit in sexless marriage life, but the truth is that about 20% of the couple say that they are not having sex in a month. That means, there is no magic in their sexual life, having that a few sexes can be extremely problematic. There are so many reasons for sexless life like work stress, mutual understanding problem, and the couple doesn't like each other, etc. How do you define your sexless marriage life? Here a few different ways people think of it. Rare or No Intercourse There are a few people suffering from sexless life due to no intercourse. These types of people don't count any other type of sexual experience important. Little or No Sexual Interest There a few couples, they don't have sex, even they don't care whether they have sex or not. When this happens between any couple, one partner is usually not happy with the situation that the other. Low-Quality Sex In ca...


ARE YOU LOOKING FOR HIV TEST KIT ? When should the test be taken? There’s a window of two to eight weeks in which the immune system begins making antibodies against HIV after exposure. Many HIV tests look for these antibodies. It’s possible to get a negative test result within the first three months of being exposed to HIV. To confirm HIV status, get tested again at the end of the three-month period. How does the OraQuick In-Home HIV Test work? Each home test works a little differently. For the OraQuick In-Home HIV Test: Swab the inside of the mouth. Place the swab in a tube with a developing solution. Results are available in 20 minutes. If one line appears, the test is negative. Two lines mean that a person may be positive. A follow-up test from a lab is necessary to confirm their status. How does the Home Access HIV-1 Test System work? For the Home Access HIV-1 Test System: Prick a ...

HIV Symptoms After 3 Months

HIV Symptoms After 3 Months SIGNS and SYMPTOMS of HIV  BEST HIV DOCTOR IN DELHI Within a month or two after getting infected with HIV, many people (but not all) can develop flu like symptoms (SEROCONVERSION ILLNESS) like skin rashes, cold, continuous fever, swollen gums, night sweating, and severe headache. These symptoms usually go within a week and are mistaken for flu or other common infections. A person can look and feel healthy for years before the symptoms come back. This period when an infected person looks and feels well can last for 5-7 years and may be more in case of adults. In the meantime, as the HIV keeps attacking the immune system, more and more symptoms can be noticed and illness starts to show again. It takes from few months to years to feel sick and have symptoms of HIV. So, the sooner one is tested, the better. BEST HIV SPECIALIST IN DELHI Later signs of Aids When a person is already affected by AIDS, such persons c...


HIV INFECTION  Stage 1: Acute primary infection Around one to four weeks after getting HIV, some people will experience symptoms that can feel like flu. These may not last long (a week or two) and you may only get some of the flu symptoms – or none at all. Experiencing these symptoms alone is not a reliable way of diagnosing HIV. You should always visit your healthcare professional if you’re worried about or think you’ve been at risk of getting HIV, even if you don’t feel unwell or have any of the following symptoms. They can then arrange for you to get tested. Symptoms can include: fever (raised temperature) body rash sore throat swollen glands headache upset stomach joint aches and pains muscle pain. These symptoms can happen because your body is reacting to the HIV virus. Cells that are infected with HIV are circulating throughout your blood system. Your immune system, in response, tries to attack the virus by producing HIV antibodies - this process is ...

HIV Cure In India

HIV Cure In India PEP treatment for HIV is a treatment given to persons who are exposed to HIV infection within 72 hours of possible exposure. PEP HIV treatment is a lifesaving treatment for persons exposed to HIV virus during activities like sexual intercourse with any anonymous, sex worker, at massage parlor, with homosexual, impure blood transfusion, blood contamination during any accidents, needle prick or any instrument prick during instrumentation (dental or any other surgical process), any skin exposure during outdoor activities. It can happen in case of sexual assaults also. If you want hiv treatment by PEP Therapy don't worry . Dr Vinod raina is best hiv doctor in delhi . Hiv Specialist in Delhi Hiv treatment in Delhi

How soon can you test for HIV after exposure?

On the off chance that you have had an introduction to HIV and you need to get yourself tried, there is no right response to when it ought to be finished. Like they state, the sooner, the better. But in case of HIV, one of the most commonly recommended strategy is to get tested 2-4 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after a risky exposure. You can pick a senstitive antigen/neutralizer HIV test. On the off chance that you are contaminated, you will be sure at multi month yet there are chances that the outcomes may not indicate it because of unimportant measure of viral load in the body. At 3 months, if your are contaminated the tests will without a doubt affirm it on the grounds that at this stage the affectability of the instruments get the viral load. NOTE: Dr Vinod Raina is HIV DOCTOR IN DELHI  some of the time it might likewise take up to a half year for you to be analyzed legitimately. On the off chance that you have any side effects that might be caused be intense HIV...

Can Hiv Be Cured Completely ?

                      Can Hiv Be Cured Completely ? To explain briefly, there is a group of people called Elite Controllers.  These are those individuals who are infected by HIV but are somehow able to maintain their viral load very low and even their Lymphocyte count high enough. And to find a cure, study needs to focus on this group to find out what makes them such. Studies are being done on them. But after the introduction of the new regimen called ‘Test and Treat' Elite Controllers will become inexistent. I will explain the last statement.Previously, when a person used to be diagnosed as HIV positive, they used to be monitored until their CD4 (these are the blood cells that HIV majorly infects. Drop in CD4 cells is one of the indications of disease progression) levels drop below a certain limit. Now according to the new protocols, if a person is tested positive for HIV they are to be directly put on ART (A...