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How soon can you test for HIV after exposure?

On the off chance that you have had an introduction to HIV and you need to get yourself tried, there is no right response to when it ought to be finished. Like they state, the sooner, the better. But in case of HIV, one of the most commonly recommended strategy is to get tested 2-4 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after a risky exposure.

You can pick a senstitive antigen/neutralizer HIV test. On the off chance that you are contaminated, you will be sure at multi month yet there are chances that the outcomes may not indicate it because of unimportant measure of viral load in the body. At 3 months, if your are contaminated the tests will without a doubt affirm it on the grounds that at this stage the affectability of the instruments get the viral load.


some of the time it might likewise take up to a half year for you to be analyzed legitimately. On the off chance that you have any side effects that might be caused be intense HIV contamination, you ought to be retested promptly, with a HIV viral load test included. More up to date and progressively touchy HIV tests make it increasingly more likely that HIV will be distinguished at before time focuses.

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